Pinecones & Other Biomass Fuel

About Pinecones

Pine Cones can be stored and used as fuel but should not be stored fresh out of the yard. Baking is required. See next. Of course you can purchase pinecones but make sure they are unvarnished.

Baking pinecones before storage

Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil. This will catch any sap that may drip. Bake the pine Cones at 200 degrees for 2 hours. This will prevent any critters from ending up with your other stored items.

Other yard debris

Pinecones are not the only thing in your yard that can be used as biomass fuel. Twigs, leaves, and really any yard debris that will catch fire can be used as fuel. A specific type of biomass oven is needed to take full advantage of this type of would-be fuel.

Uses of Pinecones & Other Yard Debris

Fuel for outdoor biomass stoves

By themselves, pinecones don't product enough heat to burn a sustainable fire in wood stoves. They can work, but it will take a lot longer and a lot of patience on your part. They work great, however, in stoves designed specifically to burn biomass such as paper, twigs, leaves, petllets, wood, wood chips and pine cones. The Inforno Outdoor Biomass Stove by InstaFire is highly rated and was created exactly for this purpose. If you live in an area where biomass is widely available, and most of us do, a stove like this may well be worth having.

As a fire starter

Pinecones make an excellent fire starter as well. If you want to super charge their kindling ability, just dip them in melted beeswax and let them dry completely before use as kindling.

Use Requirements

Must be used outdoors.

Use Limitations

Must not be used right from your yard. Baking is required.

Storage Conditions

Place the baked pine cones in a 5-gallon container with a gamma lid.